Consumer Settings
Consumer Settings
Last updated
Consumer Settings
Last updated
If your account has Consumer Finance enabled, you will need to complete the consumer settings page for each user who can handle consumer finance.
The compliance information is used to pre-fill the Credit Guide, Preliminary Assessment, and Credit Proposal. All sections are required.
Instead of adding fees for each application (in the Credit Proposal page), you can create default fees that will be pre-filled for each application. There are five types of fees you can set up as defaults for your Credit Proposals:
Broker Fee - Paid by the client
Lender Fee - Paid by the client
Third Party Fee - Paid by the client
Commission Fee
Referral Fee
Most of these are self-explanatory. You can choose if the fee is a fixed amount or a range, and if it's in dollars or as a percentage of the loan.
The exception is the Referral Fee. If you choose a percentage for the Referral Fee, we will need to know if it's a percentage of your commission, your origination fee, or both.