Lead Automations


You can create automations to send event driven emails to clients and users. For the most part the Automations page is self-explanatory, however it's important to understand the following for Lead-In automations and pre-built automations.

Lead-In Manual Status Trigger Automations

You may wish to set up Automations that trigger when a Lead is created, for example via the Embedded Application, or otherwise. To do this, you will need to set the Trigger to 'Manual Status Update' and select the 'Lead-In' Status. There are some complexities involved with this though.

  1. If you plan to have Leads created via the Embedded Application Form, you need to ensure that the embed link contains the Assigned User parameter. This will ensure that the resulting lead is linked to a user. Automations require a user to be assigned to a Lead, in order to Trigger. If there is no user assigned, the system cannot know who's Automation to Trigger.

  2. For most Manual Status Updates, we will be able to instantly display a pop-up notifying you about the activity of any Automation you may have triggered. However, there are some exceptions to this. A few of our Statuses can be automatically set by either the System, the Lender, or the Call-queue (if you have this feature active), as well as being manually updated by the Broker. Our system currently does not handle showing a pop-up for: Lead-In, Fake-Lead or Submitted Statuses. The Automation will still execute as per normal, but you will need to check the History page in the Automations section to see this. This is due to additional complexity in the code required, which we will solve for once development timelines allow.

Pre-Built System Automations: Avoid Duplicates

Lend comes with pre-configured backend automations that are already active, sending notifications to clients and brokers for seamless communication. Creating additional automations for the notifications listed below will result in duplicates, leading to confusion and inefficiencies.

Review the existing active notifications carefully to ensure there is no overlap

Last updated